<Official Homepage>

Privacy Policy
【広告について】(BLOG Yumeutsutsu 及び SHOP Yumeutsutsu)
当サイトでは、第三者配信の広告サービス(Googleアドセンス、A8.net、Valuecommerce)を利用しており、ユーザーの興味に応じた商品やサービスの広告を表示するため、クッキー(Cookie)を使用 しております。
Cookieを無効にする方法やGoogleアドセンスに関する詳細は「広告 – ポリシーと規約 – Google」をご確認ください。
また Yumeutsutsu (Susumu Ishikura) は Apple Services Performance Partners Programの参加者でアーティストとして登録しています。
当サイトで掲載している文章 や画像などにつきましては、無断転載することを禁止します。
[Purpose of use of personal information]
When making inquiries on this site, you may be asked to enter personal information such as your name and email address.
The acquired personal information will be used to respond to inquiries and contact you with necessary information by e-mail, etc., and will not be used for any other purpose.
[About advertising]
This site uses third-party advertising services (Google AdSense, A8.net, Valuecommerce), and uses cookies to display advertisements for products and services that match the interests of users. I am.
Cookies allow this site to identify your computer, but they do not allow us to identify you personally.
For more information on how to disable cookies and Google AdSense, please see "Advertising - Policies and Terms - Google".
Also, Yumeutsutsu (Susumu Ishikura) is a participant in his Apple Services Performance Partners Program and is registered as an artist.
[About access analysis tools]
This site uses Google's access analysis tool "Google Analytics." This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. Traffic data is collected anonymously and does not personally identify you.
We are not responsible for the information, services, etc. provided on sites linked to or linked from this site.
We also strive to provide as accurate information as possible regarding the content and information on this blog, but we cannot guarantee accuracy or safety. Information may be outdated.
Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the content posted on this site.
[About copyright]
Unauthorized reproduction of text and images posted on this site is prohibited.
This site is not intended to infringe on copyrights or portrait rights. If you have any problems regarding copyright or portrait rights, please contact us using the contact form. We will respond quickly.
[About the links]
This site is basically link-free. No permission or contact is required for linking.
However, please refrain from using inline frames or directly linking images.
Thank you.

公式ブログ「BLOG Yumeutsutsu」
公式ショップ「SHOP Yumeutsutsu」